We are a congregation serving the westside of Charlotte, NC. Our hope is to be a visible sign of Christ in our community and to provide a space for folks to tell stories about how God has touched their lives.
Simpson-Gillespie United Methodist Church is a fellowship of believers, established to be the visible presence of Christ, to receive persons as they are, relate them to God and to each other. Further, we are in partnership with God to be in ministry and mission in the community and the world.
To bear witness to Jesus Christ in the community and the world, and to follow His teachings through acts of compassion, justice, worship and devotion, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
RESIDE - how will we be loving and inclusive of our neighbors in
West Charlotte?
PRESENCE - how do we develop the habits to be present to God within us, our neighbors, our enemies, and the world?
GROW - how do we listen for what is needed to pursue transformation of ourselves, our neighborhoods, and city?
BE BOLD - how will we take action, sacrifice, and speak truth to power to see this transformation realized?